Despite never having announced that Level2 is closed, everyone was disciplined not to organize large gatherings. During the last months we got some requests if visiting is possible. To those we replied that alone is fine. This was well respected. Thanks to everyone.
From now on this will change and we will adapt to the regulations of the government. When entering the building you must follow the building regulations: while in the common area, wear a mask and sanitize hands . This includes visit to the toilet as you may encounter people from other parts of the building.
Inside Level2, it is possible to remove the mask, but only if you are alone in the area. By area we understand the 4 parts of the hackerspace: chill, lab, engineering and area42.
If you wish to sit together in the same area, it is highly preferable to stay 2m apart and wear a mask. Please respect others if they ask you to put on your mask. The masks stop the wearer from spreading the virus, and protect less from receiving it.
The maximum number of people allowed in Level2 is set to 10. Before planning your visit, check the presence count on or phone +352 20 333 550 to ask .
To help you fight the little virus in Level2, hand sanitizer and table disinfectant have been provided.
Desinfectant chill/area42 Hand sanitizer main door Engineering Desinfectant lab
Please wipe off all working surfaces when you have finished. There are also M and L size gloves to protect your hands while cleaning. Do not wear gloves all day long as this increases growing of skin bacteria. After removing gloves, wash your hands.
We hope that this will enable some hacking to happen in Level2.
For current information, members can check the mailinglist or follow the chat in matrix/riot where you can also ask questions to office.
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