Der Verein syn2cat auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause 2

Seit 2009 betreibt syn2cat einen “Hackerspace” im früheren Schulpavillon in Strassen. In diesen Räumlichkeiten begegneten sich bisher ICT- und Technik-begeisterte aus ganz Luxemburg und der benachbarten Großregion, um zu programmieren, zu werkeln und zu tüfteln, tollkühne Geräte zu erfinden oder einfach, um sich über ihre vielseitigen Interessen und ihren Wissensstand auszutauschen. Doch wie lange noch? ...

Food hacking event with foodhacking base

Frantisek Apfelbeck and Eunha Jun from foodhackingbase had a trip through european hackerspaces and on short notice we managed to gather people for a 2 day hacking event around kefir making and korean cooking. The first day (friday 17 january) was focussed around how to create your own kefir culture. The second, and most interisting, ...

Successful 30th Chaos Communication Congress video streaming

The traditional live transmission of the biggest hacker congress in Europe has been successfully run during the 4 days of the conference. The 30th anniversary of the congress had for one no motto as was explained in the opening keynote. The hacker world is speechless after all the revelations by E. Snowden. Many talks also ...

Christmas Market 2013

It has already become a tradition that syn2cat is present at the annual Strassen Christmas Market. This year it was on 13th and 14th december. Trying to be innovative and present every year something new, we had the ultimaker at our booth. After the last year’s success, there were also glowpins on sale, which gained ...

Science Festival 2013

Science Festival 2013’s main theme was water, so syn2cat researched how we could hack something as common as H2O. We found that non-newtonian fluids were a great subject, especially corn starch mixed with water (called oobleck). The planning consisted of preparing several essential experiments and some accompanying optional bonus items. We would like to thank the ...