Hackers’ Night Out: Tron Legacy

Friday night, a hacker horde descended upon Cinebelval to watch Tron Legacy in 3D. Disappointingly, but not at all rarely, the opening nights in Luxembourg tend to be weeks, if not months, behind the rest of the world. Having bravely withstood the pressure and not cheated by watching the movie first in a neighboring country, ...

Cyberpunk Friday: TRON

On 14th of January we’re going to screen TRON at our hackerspace in Strassen. This will probably be played on a vintage Laserdisc Player, with the video “quality” of those times. So everyone who has never witnessed Laserdisc, this is the opportunity to see it in action. And to see an awesome movie, considering the year it was ...

Christmas, Christmas time is here…

This weekend, the efforts of Georges, Romain, and all the others finally paid off when the syn2cat set up shop at the Strassen Christmas market. Open Friday evening and Saturday day, the market wasn’t a grandiose affair, with only around 10 booths. The hackerspace’s booth was pretty much the only one selling anything that wasn’t ...

LiLux meeting in Strassen

On Wednesday the 21st of October, LiLux, the Luxembourgish Linux User Group met in Strassen. Almost ’til midnight, a multi-cultural and multi-generational mix of geeks led discussions in up to four languages in parallel. People talked about difficulties with non-GNU versions of tar, Firefox’s “safebrowsing” capabilities and operation of the Sheevaplug embedded system, amongst other ...

Vintage Galore

The vintage computer museum at syn2cat is growing. In addition to a fully functional NeXT station, an old CRT iMac, two SparcStations and an OLD HP workstation, the latest C3L meeting added a massive Sun server on which we swiftly installed FreeBSD. Thanks to emQue for lending the machine to the hackerspace! C3L meets every ...