
… to the website of syn2cat, the hackerspace in Strassen, Luxembourg. If you’re new to the world of hackerspaces, take a moment or two to browse our About-us page. You may also choose to continue browsing our latest blog posts below this one or head straight on to our Wiki where we document all of ...

Review: Foire de l’Etudiant 2010

Our Friends at BEE Secure were so kind to write a review about syn2cat at the national Foire de l’Etudiant 2010 The article is in French, hope you enjoy it. http://www.bee-secure.lu/node/478

2011 is going to become hack-tacular!

In the name of syn2cat’s administrative council, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year 2011! While 2010 has been a great year for syn2cat, 2011 is going to become even more spectacular. And you, as a member and supporter of our hackerspace are a guarantor of just that. While 2010 saw a ...

Blinkentrees weekend 1

This weekend, the hackerspace was a hive of activity. Romain Schmitz and his merry helpers set about to hack up some Christmas cheer, in the way of some blinkentrees, little blinking Christmas trees that use the eminently hackable ATTiny. These trees are certified 100% home-grown in the hackerspace, and guaranteed to last at least till ...

LiLux meeting in Strassen

On Wednesday the 21st of October, LiLux, the Luxembourgish Linux User Group met in Strassen. Almost ’til midnight, a multi-cultural and multi-generational mix of geeks led discussions in up to four languages in parallel. People talked about difficulties with non-GNU versions of tar, Firefox’s “safebrowsing” capabilities and operation of the Sheevaplug embedded system, amongst other ...