2011 is going to become hack-tacular!

In the name of syn2cat’s administrative council, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year 2011! While 2010 has been a great year for syn2cat, 2011 is going to become even more spectacular. And you, as a member and supporter of our hackerspace are a guarantor of just that. While 2010 saw a ...

Fellow hackers, welcome to 2k11

Hello fellow hackers, On behalf of the syn2cat hackerspace, I wish you all a pleasant and happy new year. We survived another decade. Of course we’re looking forward to new events & projects. Our next big meeting will be on 8th of January, it’s a bootstrap meeting. (Starting on 19:00) The next event will be ...

Christmas, Christmas time is here…

This weekend, the efforts of Georges, Romain, and all the others finally paid off when the syn2cat set up shop at the Strassen Christmas market. Open Friday evening and Saturday day, the market wasn’t a grandiose affair, with only around 10 booths. The hackerspace’s booth was pretty much the only one selling anything that wasn’t ...

Blinkentrees weekend 1

This weekend, the hackerspace was a hive of activity. Romain Schmitz and his merry helpers set about to hack up some Christmas cheer, in the way of some blinkentrees, little blinking Christmas trees that use the eminently hackable ATTiny. These trees are certified 100% home-grown in the hackerspace, and guaranteed to last at least till ...


MAKE is featuring the OpenDuino on their website. MAKE is featuring hackerspaces.org Open Door hackathon and has chosen our OpenDuino to demonstrate to everyone how a door opener could look. Of course, the pictures no longer do justice, as the OpenDuino has evolved significantly since then, as has the general lock setup at the hackerspace. ...