Pardon me, would you have any Grey Sugru?

“apparently princess alexandra of luxemburg has just bought a pack of sugru! even princesses are repairing these days ;-)”, from Sugru’s twitter feed. Later corrected by “@projectsugru @sciencegallery it was Princess Sibilla actually, and yes some sugru will be making its way to Luxembourg”, from Michael John Gorman. It seems that even Luxembourgish royalty appreciates ...

Hackers’ Night Out: Tron Legacy

Friday night, a hacker horde descended upon Cinebelval to watch Tron Legacy in 3D. Disappointingly, but not at all rarely, the opening nights in Luxembourg tend to be weeks, if not months, behind the rest of the world. Having bravely withstood the pressure and not cheated by watching the movie first in a neighboring country, ...

Cyberpunk Friday: TRON

On 14th of January we’re going to screen TRON at our hackerspace in Strassen. This will probably be played on a vintage Laserdisc Player, with the video “quality” of those times. So everyone who has never witnessed Laserdisc, this is the opportunity to see it in action. And to see an awesome movie, considering the year it was ...

Review: Foire de l’Etudiant 2010

Our Friends at BEE Secure were so kind to write a review about syn2cat at the national Foire de l’Etudiant 2010 The article is in French, hope you enjoy it.

2011 is going to become hack-tacular!

In the name of syn2cat’s administrative council, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year 2011! While 2010 has been a great year for syn2cat, 2011 is going to become even more spectacular. And you, as a member and supporter of our hackerspace are a guarantor of just that. While 2010 saw a ...