Chocolate workshop

On Saturday Nov. 28th, Georges Kesseler took it upon himself to hold the hackerspace’s first chocolate workshop. Georges graciously offered to teach us how to make silicone molds and then to use them to make chocolate parts. He uses this process to make the Keybites. The genesis of the workshop was to make more chocolate ...

LiLux meeting in Strassen

On Wednesday the 21st of October, LiLux, the Luxembourgish Linux User Group met in Strassen. Almost ’til midnight, a multi-cultural and multi-generational mix of geeks led discussions in up to four languages in parallel. People talked about difficulties with non-GNU versions of tar, Firefox’s “safebrowsing” capabilities and operation of the Sheevaplug embedded system, amongst other ...

Progressbar hackerspace (Slovakia) at

“Luxembourg hackerspace unlike that Bratislava has a huge area (reading room, workshop, separate bar with a fridge full of Club Mate) and also great support from the city itself, thus they can afford to Luxembourg ratios symbolic Member – only € 6 per month. Every day there are 5-10 people present during the presentations and ...

Lët’z Hack! – The hacker programme with syn2cat

Join the members of the Luxembourgish hackerspace, syn2cat, on a journey through the exciting world of technology. Accentuated by progressive electronic music we present new developments in electronics and computer science and report on congruent news from the art and music scenes. Together with interesting guests we aim to discuss the problems raised by intellectual ...

Rest in Pixels, Oneup; creator of stuff, inspiration to people

Florian Hufsky, aged 23, fellow hacker, designer, programmer, metalab member, pirate, and above all inspiration to many people, died on the 16th December 2009. Though none of the syn2cat people had the chance to know him personally, many have expressed how they were emotionally touchedby this tragic event.